Congratulations Devyn and Kyle Cutshaw It’s a Boy!

From the USPMGA and the entire family of Putters,  Congratulations you two!

Olivia Prokopova wins her 5th US Open in Mossy Creek MiniGolf in Jefferson City, TN

At one of the best venues of the USPMGA , the story ended the same as last years USPMGA Masters,  Olivia Prokopova won her fifth US OPEN down the final 5 holes.  Always consistent and always within striking distance,  Olivia captured the tournament on what appeared to be the 15th hole of the last round.


Final Scores and Photos click here!

Newest Member to the USPMGA

Visit our newest member to the USPMGA

Angel Harbison
General Manager
Oak Ridge Family Social Club
5330 NE Oak Ridge Drive, Kansas City, MO 64119
Main 816-892-5677

US Open Announcement

The Mossy Creek Minigolf has posted updates for the 2022 US Open.  All information posted by Kyle Cutsaw with costs, number of rounds and rules.  Also motel suggestions

Thanks Kyle Cutsaw !


May 20-21 , 2022

Click the logos or        CLICK HERE

Lodging Options for the US Open


Payout Sheet for the US Open


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