Thank You Ladies

We would like to say thank you to:

League Coordinator: Teresa Kritzell for a successful season with the Ladies League. We hope to watch you grow from here.










    Thank You ,

USPMGA  Bob & Pete



2023 Masters Update


Payouts for the 2023 Masters

Mini Golf Hawaiian Rumble Ladies League

Welcome to the Mini Golf Hawaiian Rumble Ladies League

The game of mini golf consists of playing a ball from the tee into the hole by a stroke or

successive strokes in accordance with the rules. The Hawaiian Rumble Ladies League

is a “for fun” league and will be extremely entertaining for all who become part of it.

The league is limited to the first 40 participants registered


League Coordinator: Teresa Kritzell

9650 Shore Dr, Apt 1006

Myrtle Beach, SC 29572


Week 1 winners : 1st Diane Lyons, 2nd Marie Steets, 3rd Amy Paul

Week 2 winners : 1st Maria Steets,2nd Dawn Timko,3rd Cheryl O’Brien

Week 3 winners : 1st Becky Yancey,2nd Amy Paul,3rd Nancy Gaston

Rules and Regulations and Forms to join in this link

Click Link Below

Mini Golf Hawaiian Rumble Ladies League Rules

2022 Master’s Scores

2022 USPMGA Masters Scores are up.  Thank you for your requests.

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