Dinosaur Valley Mini Golf

17th Annual USPMGA Canadian Dinosaur Event


June 20th & 22nd, 2014

3316 St. Laurel St, Greater Sudbury, ON P0M1L0, Canada

50% of proceeds charity

Register Now

Illinois State Open

Illinois State Open

Ball Fore

June 7, 2014

Chicago Ridge Park District

6701 W. 107th Street, Worth, IL 60482

Visit www.chicagoridgeparks.com for details

Best of the Grand Strand


Voters named Hawaiian Rumble Mini Golf the Best Miniature Golf in the Myrtle Beach area for 2013. To determine the winner, voters had more than 10 nominees to choose from. Congratulations to Hawaiian Rumble Mini Golf!

Anthony Melchiorri Stops in For Charity Event!

Hawaiian Rumble would like to personally thank USPMGA Pros Gary Hester, Dar Hack, Karen Verenes, Tim Trexler, John Powell, Michael Wiegand for making a stop for the Charity Tournament. With all your help we were able to raise $821.oo to give to the Pancreatic Cancer Research.

Tournament Winners

Gary Hester & Dana Hester take 2nd Place Team

Gary Hester & Dana Hester take 2nd Place Team

Individual Category-Gary Hester (left) takes 1st and John Powell (right) takes 2nd

Individual Category-Gary Hester (left) takes 1st and John Powell (right) takes 2nd

1st Place Team John Powell and Tim Trexler

1st Place Team John Powell and Tim Trexler

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