Hall Of Fame Nominations

US ProMiniGolf will be taking nominations for a player to be inducted into the

USPMGA Hall of Fame!

Send in your nominations Now!

Let us know why they should be inducted

Nominations will be accepted until the February 1, 2015!

Congratulations Paul Nelson!!

 The First Mini Golf Tournament of the year is in the books!

A record number of people played in this year’s Frostbite Open  on New Year’s Day at the Red Putter Miniature Golf in Ephraim.  Congratulations go to this year’s Frostbite Open Champion, Paul Nelson!   Paul, of Fish Creek,  shot 2 rounds of 36 for a total of 72.  He received a trophy and the $700 cash prize, plus a trophy for Best Single Game score of 36, a new record for winter play.  Nickolas Kwaterski, 2014 Frostbite Champion,  took second place this year with a 2 round total of 76. Jim McDonald and Kathy Franke, tied with a 2 round score of 79.  Jim won the tie breaker to take the third place trophy home.  The Frostbite Open was held New Year’s Day at The Red Putter Miniature Golf in Ephraim.  76 people played in this year’s tournament. Temperatures were in the 20s with a light wind and a little sunshine. Not too bad for mini golf in January!
The Red Putter will open again for the season on May 1st and is looking forward to the next tournament, The Red Putter Pro Tournament on August 1st.

Entry Fees for 2015 US Open

Deadline for Entry Fees is April 15, 2015. Late entries are subject to the fees in red.Title

Open $100.00 ($125.00)     Senior $40.00 ($50.00)     Women $40.00 ($50.00)

    Team $30.00 (20.00)

USPMGA Master’s

USPMGA Master’s Presented by Coca-Cola

October 10-13, 2018

Cash Purse $20,000.00 MIN.

Sign Up today!

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