Nominations for 2015 Hall of Fame

Congratulations to all Finalist on their dedication, sportsmanship, skill, support of the US ProMiniGolf Tour!

Danny McCaslin
Lee Stoddard
Peter Gilchrist
Steve Norman
David McCaslin
Matt McCaslin

HOF Nominations Ending Soon!

Nominations for the USPMGA Hall of Fame will be ending February 1, 2015. If sending in a nomination, please include why that person should be nominated!

Snowball Midwest Winter Open

USPMGA Announces the

The Miniature Golf Snowball Midwest Winter Open

At Kristof’s Entertainment Center

Logo3March 28, 2015

Divisions: Junior (12 & Under), Womens, and Mens

Event Location:

421 W. Rollins Road

Round Lake, IL 60073

Tournament Director: Tom Kristof

Phone: 847.546.2512

Entry Fees: Womens & Mens ($25.00) and Juniors ($15.00)

*Further Details to follow*


Arkansas State Open!

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