NBC Today Segment for USPMGA Tour

USPMGA would like to see if there is a day that we can coordinate in mid March into early April to be able to have you here at the course to film a segment for NBC Today for USPMGA Master’s and the USPMGA Tour.

The dates available are:
March 11, 12, 18, 19, 21, 22
April 7th

Please respond with as many of the days available to you so we can pick the day that a majority of people can attend.

Respond as soon as possible to Danielle @ (843)712-1728.

2018 US Open Schedule Released

First 54 Paid Entries will compete for the US Open Championship Title

Cash Purse $ 8,000.00 Click Here for Full Break of Cash Purse

Tentative Schedule following:

Thursday May 17, 2018

Free Practice for all participants

7:00 PM to 8:30 PM -2 Round Pro-AM, the first 18 pro’s paid entry of the US Open to play with 2-3 amateurs. Pro’s compensated for their participation

Friday May 18, 2018

Open Ceremony-Color Guard, National Opening-Opening remarks from Chamber of Commerce and Board of Commissioners

Players will Compete first 5 rounds with lunch in between

Evening after rounds-Player Appreciation Cookout at Tee Ki Barn Pavillion

Saturday May 19, 2018

Three Rounds-Pizza Lunch-Final Cut made to top 50% of field or 29 players whichever number is greater

Final Two Rounds for top field-Awards Ceremony

Team, Women, & Senior Divisions will be determined from total of 8 rounds-overall US Open champion will be determined on 10 based.

Official NASCAR Rally Cup Car on display throughout event

Saturday will also hold 

Mizuno Demo Day on the Driving Range

Swing Coach, Hackers Rx, Other Golf Related Industries

Amateur Putting Contest on Green at Short Game Practice Area

Golf Corn Hole Contest

Put the ball in Barrel Contest

Food, Beverage and Desert trucks during event

Please continue to look at the schedule for event over the next few weeks for more updates and Accommodations

Accepting Applications for 2019 & 2020 USPMGA US Open

1st tournament for this location!

Golfland Sunsplash
155 W Hampton Ave, Mesa, AZ 85210

9:00am – 4:00pm

On September 30, 2018 the Valley of the Sun Kiwanis Club is hosting Arizona’s first USPMGA Sanctioned Mini Golf Tournament at Golfland Sunsplash in Mesa, benefitting Hacienda Children’s Hospital & Upward for Children & Families.

For sponsorship or ticket information please contact:
Sierra Kamela
phone 602-243-4231 x176 | cell 602-920-1060


USPMGA is honored to announce that Team USA has formed under Coach Olivia Prokopova and is preparing to compete at the 2018 World Adventure Golf Masters in Czech Republic on June 16-17, 2018.

Team selections are:

Team A: Brian Johnson, Geoff Mosk, Greg Newport, Tony Varnadore

Team B: Rick Baird, Rick Culverhouse, Mike Johnson, Rainey Statum

Alternates: Gary Hester & Paula Gay

USPMGA wants to wish Paula Gay good putting as she defends her 2017 Gold Medal in the Senior Women’s Division.

Special Congratulations to Greg Newport for accepting his captain position.

Any other USPMGA members who would like to compete as an individual are still welcome to do so, but will need to register through the USPMGA. More information about the event can be found at www.wagm2018.com.

Go Team USA!

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