Rainey Statum Wins 2018 USPMGA US Open

Congratulations to Rainey Statum for the win at the 2018 USPMGA US Open and earning a spot to compete at MSOP Las Vegas!  Check the Scores Here! 

2019 US Open

USPMGA is excited to announce that 2019 USPMGA US Open Location will be:

Mr Putty’s Fun Park

 2333 Dam Rd, Tega Cay, South Carolina 29708

Course Video Available Here

NBC Today Segment Rescheduled

Taping for USPMGA Tour originally scheduled for March 17 with NBC Today, has been rescheduled

March 11, 2018

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause

Hotel Stay for US Open 2018

Hotel Accommodation: Best Western (828)692-0521 ext. 251

105 Sugar Loaf Road, Hendersonville, NC   28792

USE “USPMGA” will be entitled to a generous 20% off our bar rate.
Below is a link to the Burnt Shirt Vineyard as an idea of how to spend some leisure time in the Hendersonville area.
https://www. burntshirtvineyards.com/ weddings-events/event- calendar/
Downtown Hendersonville offers a wonderful hometown feel with dining and shopping.
Here is the link for the Asheville Outlets Shuttle Service:

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