USPMGA Membership Instructions

To all those wanting to know the proper way to become a member of the USPMGA here is the link to fill out the form.  If you are sending in your money please print out the form and send it along with your check.  If you are paying a different way please still fill out the form.  The information on it is kept private but we would like to have it for our data base so that we can send out emails when there are updates.  All emails will be BCC so you don’t have to worry about anyone getting your email address that you don’t want.

For those new members the cost is $30.00, for those existing members from prior years the time has passed for early sign up so it will be $45.00.  Thanks for your support and have a fantastic putting year.


USPMGA sign up Link

2025 USPMGA US Open

Host of the 2025 US Open 

Welcome to the 2025 US Open of Minigolf

The event will take place on May 16th and 17th 2025 at the beautiful and difficult Tin Cup Course in Cumming Georgia!

A true test of putting skills on a course designed by PuttTek.  If you feel you have the skill to compete on a course of this length and know you are an accurate putter, come test youself against the best in the country.

Not only is the course beautiful but the entire area around the course is filled with fun and Great Food and shops.   The Cumming City Center has plenty to do for everyone.

Visit their website HERE!

More information about the event click here

For Registration into the US Open follow this link “Here”

USPMGA Player of the Year Point System

Link for the USPMGA Poy Pt structure

Who will be the best of the best this year?



We are looking for courses to host 2026 , 2027 , 2028 US OPEN ‘S

To contact the USPMGA about becoming the U.S. Open host, send an email to:

Pete Corcoran at: or call:  (843) 272-7812




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